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Does expanded insulation cork off gas a smell?Updated 4 months ago

Our expanded insulation cork products (dark brown lower-density cork) may have a noticeable smell upon receipt. The smell of expanded cork is often described as a smoky or burnt wood scent. The smell is due to the process of creating expanded insulation cork, where natural cork granules are exposed to heat and pressure, releasing a natural binder that prevents the need for toxic synthetic binders. This process essentially "bakes" the cork bark granules, resulting in a scent similar to wood heated over a campfire. The strength of the odor depends on specific factors, such as the size of the space and ventilation. It gradually becomes less intense over a period of months, with the length of time it takes for the smell to dissipate being highly dependent on ventilation.

If you find you are sensitive to the smell or wish to remove the smell, you can apply a sealer such as a water-based polyurethane or polycrylic, which will help seal in the smell. It’s a good idea to use one with UV protection.

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