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Cork Rolls & Sheets

Are your cork rolls and sheets FSC certified?

Our materials are not FSC certified because we use a significant percentage of recycled material in our composition cork production. Although FSC-certified cork forests exist, this certification is less relevant for cork than for other wood types bec

Can cork rolls and sheets be painted or stained?

You can use any wood-compatible stain or paint on cork rolls and sheets. We frequently recommend the "Minwax" brand, but any brand should suffice. You may need to apply multiple coats to achieve the desired color, as cork tends to absorb much of the

Do you carry exterior cork sheets or cladding?

We do carry exterior cork cladding! Cork cladding is a unique and durable exterior finishing option that is eco-friendly and is eligible for green building LEED credit. For more information, see the products that we have available in the United State

Can expanded insulation cork be used under a concrete slab?

Yes, cork can be used under a concrete slab. Cork is generally not appealing to pests such as termites. It contains suberin, which repels termites and other insects. It also has low cellulose content, which makes it an unattractive food source for te

Can Expanded Insulation Cork be Plastered?

Yes, our expanded insulation cork can be plastered over.