I am tax exempt, how do I remove sales tax from my orders?Updated 3 days ago
To have your orders tax-exempt, you must first set up the corresponding wholesale, trade, or retailer account. When a member of our team reaches out to you, please upload your tax-exempt certificate so that we can apply it to your account.
If you are in California, a California reseller certificate is required to be eligible for tax-exempt status.
Blank certificates are available from this site.
If you are in Georgia, a Georgia reseller certificate is required to be eligible for tax-exempt status.
You can find the required form here.
Jelinek Cork will verify your reseller number at: https://onlineservices.cdtfa.ca.gov/_/
[in the bottom menu, select Verify a Permit -- select Seller's Permit for the search and enter the number. You may need to use leading zeros]