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How can I repair scratches on my cork flooring.Updated 11 days ago

The type of scratch and the type of cork flooring that you have will determine if/how your flooring can be repaired. 

For minor scratches that only affect the finish, we recommend lightly buffing the flooring. If needed, an additional coat of polyurethane can be added.

Depending on your specific situation, a few options can be tried for deeper scratches where the actual cork is affected. 

If you have select line flooring, the pattern will run through the whole tile thickness, and you can sand out the scratches before refinishing the flooring.

If you have a non select line flooring, the pattern is only on a thin veneer adhered to a composition cork backing.

  • Moderate Scratch - You can take a wood stain that matches the rest of your flooring and add it to the scratch to hide any color difference before adding another coat of polyurethane. 
  • Deep Scratch or Gouge - You can mix cork granules with an adhesive, like contact cement or exterior wood glue, and make a putty. This putty can then fill the scratch or gouge and the floor refinished. (please note that this will not match all patterns, and if the floor has been exposed to UV light, it may have a slightly different color than the rest of the floor.)
  • Extensive Damage - Tiles can be replaced. Ideally, you will have an extra tile or two from when your flooring was installed. This will provide the closest match to your existing flooring, although there can still be some variance due to UV exposure. If you do not have any extra tiles, you can order additional tiles. However, they may not be from the same lot as the rest of your flooring, leading to a greater amount of variance. 

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